TM 11-7025-221-10
2-22. Use of Configuration Routines - Continued.
f. Configure One Remote TD-1337(V)/G Operating as a /Von-Nodal. You can transmit the configuration
data necessary to configure the mux and demux of a remote TD-1337(V)/G operating as a non-nodal
by performing the following routines.
(1) Enter configuration data in memory 1 or memory 2 for remote TD-1337(V)/G by performing
(for V3 or V4 model). When the routine is performed, you have entered a local mux configuration for
a remote TD-1337(V)/G in memory. Also, when the routine is performed, your local demux associated
with the remote TD-1337(V)/G selected is automatically configured in the selected memory location.
(2) The configuration data is transmitted to the non-nodal when the download to non-nodal routine
in paragraph 2-36 is performed. When the transmit routine is performed, your local mux configuration in
the selected memory is also transmitted. This data becomes the configuration data input for the demux
in the non-nodal when the operator performs the receive control telemetry routine in paragraph 2-37.
g. Edit Existing Configuration Data in NVM. Any configuration data entered in NVM can be changed
h. Continue an Interrupted Generate Configuration Routine. If you were performing a generate con-
figuration routine and interrupted the routine before completing it (pressed FUNC key and selected another
routine), you can recall the routine and continue entering configuration data by performing the continue
i. Display Configuration Data. You can display and check the configuration data in NVM. Perform
the display orderwire configuration data routine in paragraph 2-25 to display the orderwire configuration
data entered in NVM. Paragraph 2-26 allows you to select and display the configuration data entered
in memory 1 or memory 2 for the local mux or any active demux.
2-23. Data Requirements for Generate Routines.
The following data sheets summarize the data requirements that must be considered when planning or
performing the below listed generate routines. The message headings in each routine (requiring data) are
shown on the data sheets. In some operating configurations, all of the data requirements shown on the
data sheets are not used. A detailed description of the data requirements (indicated by message headings)
in each routine is provided at the beginning of the paragraphs listed below.
Para No.
All models.
Orderwire configuration
V1 or V2 model.
Local mux configuration
V3 or V4 model.
All models. (Sheet shows data re-
Rmux minimum configuration
q u i r e m e n t s for four demux's
V1 or V2 model.
Rmux configuration for downloading
V3 or V4 model.