TM 11-7025-221-10
2-22. Use of Configuration Routines.
Use of the configuration routines for configuring a TD-1337(V)/G are described below. None of the routines
in this section are required to operate the TD-1337(V)/G in the inactive or TD-976 modes. The orderwire
must be configured to place the TD-1337(V)/G in the preliminary mode of operation. To operate the TD-
1337(V)/G in the memory 1 or memory 2 mode, the local mux and each active demux must have configuration
data entered in the selected memory (1 or 2) and the orderwire must also be configured.
a. Configure Orderwire. Perform the generate orderwire configuration routine in paragraph 2-24 to
figure the orderwire. This routine must be performed before the TD-1337(V)/G can be placed in the preliminary,
memory 1, or memory 2 mode of operation.
b. Configure Local Mux. Configuration data is entered locally by using generate routine in (1) below
or it can be transmitted to your TD-1337(V)/G from a remote TD-1337(V)/G and then entered as described
in (2) below.
When a local mux configuration is entered or edited in memory
1 or memory 2, all demux configuration data in the selected memory
are erased. Therefore, each active demux has to be configured
anytime the local mux configuration data changes.
(1) You can enter configuration data in memory 1 or memory 2 for the local mux by performing
or V4 models).
(2) If you are operating as a non-nodal, your local mux and demux can be configured by a remote
TD-1337(V)/G who has transmitted to you by performing a download to non-nodal routine (para 2-35).
You would perform the receive control telemetry routine in paragraph 2-37 to enter the received data in
memory 1 or memory 2. In this case you would not perform a generate local mux configuration routine.
c. Configure Active Demux's. Configuration data for each active demux is entered locally by using
the generate routines in (1) or (2) below or it can be transmitted to your TD-1337(V)/G from a remote
TD-1337(V)/G and entered as described in (3) or (4) below.
(1) You can enter configuration data in memory 1 or memory 2 for a demux by performing the
generate Rmux minimum configuration routine in paragraph 2-29. Repeat the routine for each demux to
be configured.
(2) You automatically select and enter data for one demux by performing the generate Rmux con-
figuration for downloading routine described in f(1) below.
(3) You can receive a download local configuration transmission from a remote TD-1337(V)/G. To
enter this data in memory 1 or memory 2, perform the receive control telemetry configuration routine in
paragraph 2-37. This would configure your local demux associated with that remote TD-1337(V)/G.
(4) If you are operating as a non-nodal, your demux is configured when you accept a download
to non-nodal transmission as described in b(2) above.
d. Configure Standby TD-1337(V)/G. The standby TD-1337(V)/G is automatically configured when the
download standby routine in paragraph 2-34 is per-formed. At this time, the NVM in the standby TD-1337(V)/G
receives all the configuration data entered in the NVM of the local TD-1337(V)/G.
e. Confjgure Dernux in Each Remote TD-1337(V)/G. You can transmit the configuration data necessary
to configure one demux in each remote TD-1337(V)/G in the network. Performing the transmit configuration
download local configuration routine in paragraph 2-35 transmits your local mux configuration to each
remote TD-1337(V)/G. Each TD-1337(V)/G automatically uses the data to configure the demux that receives
your supergroup when the remote operator performs the receive control telemetry routine in paragraph