TM 11-7025-221-10
2-24. Generate Orderwire Configuration Routine.
This paragraph contains the procedures for performing an orderwire configuration, This routine is applicable
for all models of the TD-1337(V)/G. Before performing the routine, you require the configuration data described
in a below. The step-by-step procedures for the routine are in b below.
a. Data Required. The terminal numbers and call numbers for the TD-1337(V)/G's and CNCE'S in
the network are required when performing this routine. This data are provided by the authority that originated
the configuration. The maximum number of stations in a network is shown in the below chart.
. Each station in the network is assigned a terminal number (1
thru 999) and a call number (1 thru 16). The orderwire mode
of each TD-1337(V)/G station is designated as secure (1) or non-
secure (2). All CNCE'S are automatically assigned a secure
orderwire mode.
. Remotes 2 through 4 are not assigned in V2 and V4 models.
Orderwire Configuration Data Requirements
Call No.
Terminal No.
Call No.
Terminal No.
b. Procedures. This routine configures the local TD-1337(V)/G to communicate with the other TD-
1337(V)/G's and CNCE'S in the orderwire system. To perform the following routine, you need the terminal
number and call number for each station in your network. The secure or non-secure assignment for each
TD-1337(V)/G is also required as described in a above.
When a message is displayed that you do not understand, go
1337(V)/G are listed in alphabetical order. The operator action
associated with each display is described in the paragraph.
Start with step 1 and perform the action in the procedures as
directed. Messages that appear on the display are shown in bold
If you are performing this routine to change your present call
number, you must perform a system mode change (or power turn-
on and turn-off) routine after completing this routine to activate
your new call number.