TM 11-7025-221-10
2-20. 5-Minute Audible Alarm Inhibit Routine-Continued.
When a message is displayed that you do not understand, go
1337(V)/G are listed in alphabetical order. The operator action
associated with each display is described in the paragraph.
Start with step 1 and perform the action in the procedures as
directed. Messages that appear on the display are shown in bold
a. Procedures To Activate 5-Minute Audible A/arm Inhibit. Perform the following procedures to activate
the inhibit function.
Activate 5-Minute Audible Alarm Inhibit
Operator action/message displayed
Press FUNC key (one or two times) until SELECT FUNCTION is displayed. Then press SYSTEM
STAT key.
Press "4" key and then press ENTR key.
Press "1" key and then press ENTR key. Check that following message is displayed.
ALARM INHIBIT ACTIVATED message will automatically blank after
30 seconds. Note that CLR key was not pressed at end of this
routine so that if display is reactivated you will be reminded that
alarm inhibit function was activated. However, after 5-minute inhibit
cycle expires, ALARM INHIBIT ACTIVATED message will be dis-
played when display is reactivated.