TM 11-7025-221-10
1-27. Configuration Routines - Continued.
SYSTEM CONF Key. System configuration routines are used to display system configuration data,
generate configuration data, and transmit configuration data.
Display System Configuration. This routine selects and displays configuration data contained in
memory 1 or memory 2. No changes can be made to the data using this routine.
Generate Configuration Routines. There are five generate configuration routines. These routines
are used to edit an existing configuration, to continue a configuration routine, and to generate
new configurations.
When the TD-1337(V)/G is operating in a memory 1 or memory
2 mode, a generate configuration cannot be performed on the mem-
ory being used for operation. That is, you can perform a generate
configuration routine with memory 1 only if your TD-1337(V)/G is
operating in any mode other than memory 1. The same situation
applies to memory 2.
1. Edit Existing Configuration. This routine allows the operator to select and change configuration
data stored in memory 1 or memory 2.
2. Continue Configuration. This routine allows the operator to resume a configuration routine
(either new or edit) that was interrupted (by operator) before it was completed. For example,
answering an orderwire call could cause such an interruption.
3. Local Mux Configuration. This routine allows you to enter configuration data to configure your
local roux. Due to differences between models, two separate local mux configuration procedures
are provided. One procedure for V1/V2 models and another procedure for V3/V4 models.
If you are operating as a non-nodal, your local mux can be configured by receiving a download
to non-nodal transmission from a remote TD-1337(V)/G. In this case, you would not perform
a local mux configuration routine.
4. Rrnux Minimum Configuration. Each active demux in your local TD-1337(V)/G must be configured
(one demux in a non-nodal unit or up to four demux's in a nodal unit). The Rmux minimum
routine allows you to enter configuration data to configure one local demux. The routine would
then be repeated for each additional active demux. Your demux's could be configured by
one of the following alternate methods. In these cases, you would not perform Rmux minimum
configuration routines,
a. You can receive a download local configuration broadcast from a remote TD-1337(V)/G.
This would configure your local demux associated with that remote TD-1337(V)/G.
b. If you are operating as a non-nodal, your local demux can be configured by receiving
a download to non-nodal transmission from a remote TD-1337(V)/G.
c. You could be performing a Rmux configuration for downloading (5 below). In this case,
when you enter data for the remote roux, you automatically configure your associated demux.