TM 11-7025-221-10
1-25. Configuration/Operating Routines.
a. General. The operator performs various routines to configure and operate a TD-1337(V)/G. These
routines are divided into configuration routines (b below) and operating routines (c below). A routine is
defined as a series of sequential steps that an operator performs. The facing page illustration locates
With these, the operator can select and perform routines. The operator requests or enters data by pressing
keys on the keyboard. The 3-line display responds by presenting information and instructional messages
as required by the routine.
b. Configuration Routines. Configuration data must be entered into a TD-1337(V)/G to place it in the
desired operating configuration. Configuration routines are used to generate and enter this configuration
data. Paragraph 1-27 describes the various configuration routines.
Configuration data defines the operating parameters for a TD-1337(V)/G. For example, which ports
are active and the rate and format of data at each active port.
Configuration data is stored in non-volatile memory (NVM). NVM retains previously entered con-
figuration data during electrical power interrupts or equipment turn-off periods. NVM has two identical
memory areas which are identified as memory 1 and memory 2. Each memory area can receive
and store configuration data for a TD-1337(V)/G operating configuration. Thus, a TD-1337(V)/G
has the capability to operate in one mode (memory 1 or memory 2) and have an alternate
operating configuration in the inactive memory area.
For a TD-1337(V)/G to be completely configured, configuration data must be entered sufficient
1. Configure orderwire.
2. Configure local roux,
3. Configure each local active demux.
Configuration data for an operating configuration for your local TD-1337(V)/G may be generated
by the following methods.
1. Generated manually by local operator,
2. Downloaded to you from remote TD-1337(V)/G's.
3. Combination of the above.
c. Operating Routines. Operating routines are all routines not related to configuration. Operating routines
allow you to make and receive orderwire calls, display or change system mode, recall diagnostic information
for troubleshooting, and display various system status. With one exception (system mode change), operating
routines can be performed without interrupting flow of user traffic. Paragraph 1-29 describes the various
operating routines.