TM 11-7025-221-10
1-27. Configuration Routines.
A configuration routine is selected by pressing the FUNC key and then pressing one of the keys described
below. A breakdown of the various configuration routines are shown in the below illustration. Paragraph
references for step-by-step procedures to perform each of the 12 independent routines are also shown
on the illustration.
ORDERWIRE CONF Key. Orderwire configuration routines are used to generate an orderwire con-
figuration or to display an orderwire configuration.
Generate Orderwire Configuration. This routine enters orderwire configuration data into NVM.
Orderwire configuration data consists of terminal No., call No., and mode for your local TD-
1337(V)/G and each remote TD-1337(V)/G that will send a SG to you. The same data is also
entered for any CNCE'S connected to TD-1337(V)/G's in your network, A complete orderwire
configuration (local and all active remotes) must be entered before you can select memory 1
or memory 2 modes of operation. Preliminary mode of operation can be selected if either a
complete or partial (local only) orderwire configuration is entered. If only a partial configuration
is entered, you are limited to transmitting a download local configuration and receiving either
a download local configuration or download to non-nodal configuration,
Display Orderwire Configuration. This routine displays orderwire configuration data stored in NVM.
No changes can be made to the data using this routine.