TM 11-7025-221-20
2-18. Plug-In Card Replacement Instructions - Continued.
Before installing a card in card slot XA2, XA7, or XA20, check
that card has proper number of red jumper plugs installed as
listed below:
XA2 - SSV card A2 has plugs in J1 thru J6
XA7 -16 DVOW card A7 has plugs in J1 and J2
XA20 - Group modem card A20 has plugs in J1 and J2
When installing NVM card A9 in card slot XA9, check that card
has 7 red jumper plugs properly installed for your model as shown
necessary, rearrange
on illustration on bottom of next page.
jumper plugs.
Slide card into guides in card slot and
Install replacement plug-in card
6. Card slots XA1
seat card in connector by pressing down
in appropriate card slot.
thru XA22
on ejector handles (7). Card is seated
when handles are parallel to adjacent
7. POWER CB (1)
Set to ON and check if fault
a. If NVM card A9 was replaced, sys-
causing card replacement has
tem configuration data must be
been corrected.
entered in TD-1337(V)/G. Use proce-
dures in TM 11-7025-221-10.
b. If fault is not corrected, perform next
action as directed in troubleshooting
procedure that directed this card re-
c. If fault is corrected, go to step 8.
8. Plug-in cards that
a. Set POWER CB to OFF.
If only one card was replaced, and
were replaced be-
b. Remove any replacement cards
it was the faulty one, go to
fore faulty card
and re-install original good cards.
step 9.
was replaced.
c. Set POWER CB to ON.