TM 11-7025-221-20
2-12. Power Distribution Troubleshooting.
Perform the troubleshooting procedures in this paragraph when directed by the TD-1337(V)/G troubleshooting
a. Description of Problem. POWER DC indicator remains off after POWER DC indicator and power
supply PSI have been replaced. This symptom can be caused by a shorting condition in one of the replaceable
assemblies. The shorting condition has forced one or more of the power supply dc outputs into an under-
voltage state which turns off the POWER DC indicator.
b. Description of Troubleshooting. The procedures in the flowchart first direct you to lift all of the
plug-in cards in the card file. If the POWER DC indicator lights after the cards have been lifted, then
one of the lifted cards is faulty. One at a time, the cards are seated (installed) in the card file. The
card that causes the POWER DC indicator to be off when power is turned on is faulty. If the POWER
DC indicator remains off when all the cards are lifted, then the fault is associated with display card A23A1
or red CESE assembly A25.
c. Use of Troubleshooting Flowchart Go to the START entry in the flowchart. Perform the actions
as directed until the fault is isolated and corrected. If necessary, refer to the plug-in card replacement
instructions in paragraph 2-18. When you are directed to lift a card, extend the two card ejector handles
on the edge of the card. This action lifts the card so that the card edge connector is disconnected from
the connector pins in the card file. It is not necessary to completely lift the card out of the card file.
If none of the replaceable assemblies are faulty, the flowchart will direct you to call next higher level
of maintenance.