TM 11-7025-221-20
2-11. Inactive Mode Change Troubleshooting.
Perform the troubleshooting procedures in this paragraph when the following fault condition is observed:
Message display shows TD-1337(V)/G is operating in INACTIVE MODE when POWER CB is
set to ON, but TD-1337(V)/G was operating in another mode when POWER CB was set to
OFF. (TD-1337(V)/G should not change mode of operation when power is turned off and on,)
a. Description of Problem. There are two situations that could cause the TD-1337(V)/G to come up
in the INACTIVE MODE when power is turned on and you expect it to be operating in some other mode.
(1) Someone turned on your TD-1337(V)/G and changed to INACTIVE MODE or erased data in NVM
without telling you. In this case, no hardware fault exists.
(2) Each time the TD-1337(V)/G is turned on, certain checks are automatically made on the data in
NVM to ensure that the data has not been altered. If the checks are not successful, configuration
data in NVM is erased and the TD-1337(V)/G is placed in the INACTIVE MODE. Configuration
data could have been altered by a transient or as a result of a faulty plug-in card.
b. Description of Troubleshooting. The procedures in the flowchart first direct you to perform a system
mode change to determine if a fault condition really exists, If the mode change is successful, there is
no problem. If the mode change cannot be performed, the procedures then direct you to perform a short
configuration routine (enter orderwire configuration data). Power is turned off and then back on. Then a
display routine is performed to determine if the entered data was retained by NVM. If the brief routine
is successful, then complete configuration data is recentered and further checks performed.
c. Use of Troubleshooting Flowchart. Go to the START entry in the flowchart. Perform the actions
as directed until the problem is isolated and corrected. If you are directed to replace a card, refer to
If your TD-1337(V)/G is connected to a standby TD-1337(V)/G, the
POWER CB on the standby must be set to OFF during trouble-
shooting. When standby is on and your TD-1337(V)/G is off, the
standby provides dc power to the NVM circuits on card A9. If your
problem is caused by a faulty battery on card A9, you cannot
isolate it if the standby is on.