TM 11-7025-221-20
2-10. NVM CHECKSUM ERROR Troubleshooting.
Perform the troubleshooting procedures in this paragraph when the NVM CHECKSUM ERROR message
is displayed. This message can be displayed when a system mode change is performed to place the
TD-1337(V)/G in memory 1 or memory 2 mode of operation. Troubleshooting procedures are in the form
of an easy to follow flowchart.
a. Description of Problem. Whenever a system mode change to memory 1 or memory 2 mode is
performed, an automatic check is made on data in that NVM memory area. If this check determines that
the configuration data has been altered, the NVM CHECKSUM ERROR message is displayed. Configuration
data could have been altered by a transient problem or as a result of a faulty plug-in card.
b. Description of Troubleshooting. The NVM CHECKSUM ERROR message will tell you which memory
(1 or 2) has the error and which portion of the configuration data (roux or Rmux) is faulty. If MUX is
displayed, the flowchart will direct you to re-enter all the configuration data for the selected memory. If
RMUX (1, 2, 3, or 4) is displayed, you will be directed to re-enter the configuration data for the Rmux
displayed. After the configuration data is entered, you are directed to perform a system mode change.
If the mode change is successful, then the NVM CHECKSUM ERROR message was caused by a transient
and there are no faulty cards in your TD-1337(V)/G. If the mode change cannot be performed (NVM CHECK-
SUM ERROR repeats), then you will be directed to replace cards.
c. Use of Troubleshooting Flowchart. Go to the START entry in the flowchart. Perform the actions
as directed until the problem is isolated and corrected. If you are directed to replace a card, refer to