TM 11-7025-221-10
1-19. TD-976 Mode Connectivity.
This form of connectivity allows for communication between two TD-976/G multiplexer. The TD-976 mode
is applicable only to the VI model.
The TD-976/G can have up to eight group inputs. The output SG of a TD-976/G is always at a 4915.2
kb/s rate and in a bipolar format. The MD-1026( )(P)/G converts this bipolar SG to a balanced NRZ format
which is applied to port 8 of the V1 model. In the TD-976 mode, the VI model serves as an interface
between the MD-1026( )(P)/G and the terminal transmitting equipment, Ports 1 through 7 are not available
for use and no orderwire options are available in this mode.
The SG received from the satellite is converted to a balanced NRZ format and made available at output
port 8 of the VI model. In turn, the MD-1026( )(P)/G converts the SG to a bipolar format for application
to the TD-976/G.