TM 11-7025-221-20
1-11. Identification Plates and Stencils - Continued.
Identification plates and stencils that are of importance to organizational maintenance are shown on the
facing illustration.
Identification Plates. Each TD-1337(V)/G has an identification plate located on the lower right front
of front panel A23. The identification plate will provide you the model of the particular TD-1337(V)/G
you are working with. The model No. is marked in the indicated area with a black wax pencil.
Top Cover. A stencil is located in the middle of the top cover and provides the following information.
A CAUTION that 110v ac input power exists within the TD-1337(V)/G. Additional guarding and
labeling is provided within the TD-1337(V)/G to protect and inform maintenance personnel of
these ac input power points.
That the top cover must be removed when the TD-1337(V)/G is operated on a bench. This
is necessary since rack ducted air is not available for plug-in card cooling.
Power Supply. A stencil is located on the upper front of the power supply which advises that
power must be turned off before removing power supply. POWER ON/OFF circuit breaker switch
on front panel controls application of ac power to the power supply. Additionally, two CAUTION
stencils (not shown) are located on the bottom (connector side) of power supply advising of high
voltages within the power supply. Organizational maintenance is not authorized to remove power
supply covers and gain access to internal power supply components.
Case. A stencil is located on each side of the case advising that the weight of the TD-1337(V)/G
(approximately 65 pounds) is such that two persons are required to lift it.
Bottom Cover. A stencil is located in the middle of the bottom cover advising that 110v ac input
power exists within the TD-1337(V)/G.
Front Panel. Whenever ac input power is applied to the TD-1337(V/G, it is present at terminals
of the POWER ON/OFF circuit breaker switch and the POWER AC indicator. These terminals are
guarded by a cover assembly to protect maintenance personnel. The rear of the cover assembly
contains a CAUTION advising of the 11 O-volt power.