TM 11-7025-221-10
1-7. Glossary - Continued.
Glossary - Continued
Transmission of configuration data from local TD-1337(V)/G to one
or more remote TD-1337(V)/G's.
Ability of TD-1337(V)/G to transmit (multiplexer section) and receive
Duplex operation
(demultiplexer section) data at the same time.
Name associated with the data from a user that are serviced by
Group input/output
one port.
Local TD-1337(V)/G
TD-1337(V)/G you are operating.
Multiplexer (roux)
Section in TD-1337(V)/G that receives incoming orderwire and data
signals and combines them into SG. SG is transmitted to one
or more remote TD-1337(V)/G's.
Memory circuits that retain stored data when external power to
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
TD-1337(V)/G is removed.
Routines performed by operator during normal operation of TD-
Operating Routines
1337(V)/G. (All routines that are not designated as configuration
Voice circuits dedicated for use by operator/maintenance personnel
for communication with other operator/maintenance personnel in
Port (1 to 8).
Entry/exit point for one group input/output assigned to an earth-side
Multiplexer in a remote TD-1337(V)/G that is supplying a SG input
Remote Mux (Rmux)
to your TD-1337(V)/G.
A series of steps that are performed by an operator to accomplish
a required task (operating and configuration routines).
Secure orderwire
Orderwire inputs and outputs that are processed through an encryp-
tion device.
Supergroup (SG)
Serial data stream that is transmitted from your multiplexer section
to a demultiplexer section in one or more remote TD-1337(V)/G's
in your network.